

Onderzoek over wagenziekte

19 juli 2018

Met de autonome auto naar Frankrijk is in de toekomst een plezierig begin van de vakantie. In het experiment van Tugrul Irmak (PhD bij de faculteit 3me) wordt een slingerend parcours afgelegd om de effecten van automatisch rijden op wagenziekte te testen.

In de maand juli maakt Irmak gebruik van een dynamische afzetting van de Heertjeslaan te Delft om het experiment met Toyota Prius uit te voeren.

“Research suggests that with the advent of fully autonomous cars a sizable number of us (~8%) will experience severe motion sickness, often to always. With such a bleak outlook it is pivotal to understand the mechanisms of sickness, as, such an understanding will yield to methods of mitigating and minimizing it. This is what we endeavor to do here. How does vision affect sickness? How does sickness develop? How does sickness manifest itself both subjectively and objectively? How does sickness affect our postural stability? At what rate do we recover from sickness? How does our sensitivity to further motion change upon sickness? These are amongst some of the questions we are working to address. The fruits of such labor will have consequences for active suspension design, path following and planning. Thus the research is of importance, both from the perspective of fundamental science but also from that of practical application. We are delighted that we are able to perform it here, in earnest.”