

Onderzoek naar positiebepaling van voertuigen

17 augustus 2018

Naast onderzoek naar de interactie tussen automatische voertuigen en hun omgeving worden bij RADD ook ondersteunende experimenten uitgevoerd. Een voorbeeld is het experiment van Menglin Pang, die de mogelijkheden om positiebepaling van voertuigen onderzoekt om automatisch rijden te verbeteren.

“My name is Menglin Pang, I am currently pursuing the master degree under track Geoscience and Remote Sensing. My thesis project is to explore the feasibility of combining GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) with an optical sensor (a single camera) in the application of enhancing vehicle positioning performance. It has the potential to be used in ADAS (Advanced Driver Assisted System) or automated driving application through further implementation.

On the morning of 25th of July, with a nice weather, a field experiment took place at Green village with the assistance and support from the Department of Transportation and Planning and RADD. The experiment lasted about 3.5 hours. First to set up GNSS receivers, then define the orientation of local coordinates, third is to take measurements under the local frame, and finally take measurements by the camera.”