
Test types

Research and testing programmes

With the Researchlab Automated Driving Delft, it is possible to conduct a broad range of experiments in order to collect empirical data for research. TU Delft conducts its own tests and research programmes. You can work off of those or conduct your own tests separately.

The actual research and testing programmes will stem from research projects that are yet to be defined and funded. The testing programmes will be derived from specific research questions and will also depend on the options for testing automated vehicles.

Moreover, the abilities in the area of simulating automated vehicles are already sufficient for a large number of tests in the phases below:

  • The function of automated vehicles
  • The interaction with other traffic


Overview of themes

RADD has currently defined the projects below for conducting experiments:

  • Automated vehicles as a part of the public transport system
  • Automated vehicles in goods distribution / “last metres” in goods transport
  • Traffic network performance and traffic management by Interregionaal Recherche Team automatische voertuigen (International investigative team for automated vehicles)
  • The driving experience of passengers in automated vehicles
  • Interaction between automated vehicles and other traffic
  • The function of automated vehicles under different circumstances